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            Download the Spanish Placement Test (click)
Please complete section
A and section B ; then you can email the answer sheet to dialogos@spanishin.us.

With this placement test we can evaluate from Beginner 1 to Advanced 4. You can answer all the test or you can stop responding if you feel that you don't have the skills required to continue.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We would be delighted to work with you.

Once we receive and review the test we will contact you with the results.

 Spanish Institute  |  Londonderry Office Park  |  5780 Lincoln Drive, Suite 160  |  (Hwy 169, Londonderry Road exit)  | Minneapolis, MN 55436-1640  |  Tel: 952 933 9940  |  E-mail: dialogos@spanishin.us  |

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